'Sveto Blagoveshtenie' church

GPS coordinates: N 41.886158, E 23.463780

The church is 26 meters high, the same height as the Hreliova tower in Rila monastery. Located in the center of Razlog, “Sveto Blagoveshtenie” church /saint Annunciation/, impresses with its beautiful iconostasis and architecture. This is one of the biggest and most beautiful churches in the Nevrocop diocese.

On 5.ХI.1939 the church “Sveto Blagoveshtenie” was consecrated and opened with a wish to give blessings and annunciation to the people in Razlog and the region.

The built-up area is 710m² and the yard almost 4dka. The height of the bell tower is 26m.

The fresh murals on the church walls are worth to see. The interior of the temple is entirely decorated in the period 2000 - 2008 by a team of young artists - restorers led by Zdravka Chobanova from Razlog. Iconography of the altar is made by Stephen Yulievich Sharich from Sofia.

It is worth to hear the 3 bells with a total weight of 493 kg. The largest one is 300 kg, the medium one - 118 kg and the small - 75 kg. Made from high quality copper and tin; and the tones D, F, and G.

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